Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Pinteresting Wednesday!

My friend Ashley from Everyday Ashley has an awesome blog, and she has inspired me to work on mine! She participates in Oh How Pinteresting Wednesdays, and as a Pinterest addict it only makes sense that I try it out. I'll link up over at The Vintage Apple!

I am so ready for cold weather. I need to start knitting again. No AC this summer made knitting completely unappetizing, but its finally getting cooler out! These are the coziest looking socks ever
 In two of my education classes we've been talking about owls. They are amazing animals, and also adorable.
So cute

I desperately want a house to decorate. 
Glow sticks in the bathtub...awesome. I would have loved this as a kid...who am I kidding, I would love this now.

This is a gorgeous print from the Etsy shop oh, kirby!

I spent a good portion of my math class today not paying attention and brainstorming ideas for this blog. I am excited to write about some new stuff!


  1. Brooke, I love all of your pins this week and am so glad you decided to do Pinteresting Wednesdays! I always love checking out your pinterest! I had no idea that you loved to knit! I may be ordering a pair of warm and cozy socks once it gets colder!

    I love that you pinned a picture of Barn Owls! :)


  2. love those cozy socks! and those shoes are adorable :)

    {I've got a Kate Spade giveaway going on right now & would love to see you there!}

  3. love the socks its one of my faves about cooler weather! cute owls!
